Client: Monmouthshire County Council As part of developing the Visitor Experience Management Plan and Interpretation Plan for Caldicot Castle, we provided future guidance on event planning to engage with new audiences and increase income. Image kindly supplied by...
Event branding
Event branding: working with the operations team we developed the new events brand (The Arena at Waterside) and promotional material to promote evening music events at CONKERS in a 600 seat covered amphitheatre. Find out more about the Arena at Waterside. Contact us...
Events at country parks
As part of a wider Transformational Project we advised on event development across five of the country parks and a National Nature Reserve managed by Hampshire County Council. Image kindly supplied by Hampshire County Council Contact us If you have any questions or...
Feasibility study for a covered amphitheatre
We carried out a feasibility study to introduce a tensile cover over an amphitheatre to support the development of a successful events programme at CONKERS. The introduction of a tensile structure over the amphitheatre has help to: Increase the length of the season we...
Events: increasing income in the shoulder periods
Working with the operations team at CONKERS we carried out an assessment to introduce two firework nights at CONKERS. Building on the success of previous firework events we recognised that there was an opportunity to enhance the overall customer experience and...
Visitor attraction events – income stream
Our sister company has invested and operates a number of visitor attractions. To improve the attendance at events they have invested in providing covered outdoor event spaces to improve wet weather resilience . At CONKERS we have introduced a covered amphitheatre and...
Events Venue Feasibility Study, Hartlepool
Client: Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Solutions Consulting was commissioned by Hartlepool Borough Council to carry out a feasibility study for an events venue as part of a proposed visitor attraction offer.The regeneration of Hartlepool is established as a key...
Events and destination development, Vale of Glamorgan
Client: Vale of Glamorgan Council The Vale of Glamorgan Council commission Planning Solutions Consulting to carry out a feasibility study into assessing the opportunity to introduce supporting infrastructure to host a number of low-impact events at a specific coastal...
Events Strategy Consultancy – Destination Development
Client: Bridgend County Borough Council Bridgend County has developed a reputation for designing and delivering a programme of innovative and ‘quirky’ events – a key feature of the destination’s brand. It is recognised that the programme of events supports the visitor...
Thanet Destination Events Development
Client: Thanet District Council Destination events planning - The Thanet Coast has a strong heritage and natural coastal environment offer. The Destination Management Plan highlights the importance of local history in place-making and how this ‘shared- story’ can...