Kevin Brown leads the tourism consultancy in strategic development, options appraisals and financial analysis. As a tourism consultant Kevin has a sound knowledge of research based appraisal work in tourism, leisure and regeneration projects. He has considerable...
Our team
Richard Linington MA – Director
Richard Linington is a director of Planning Solutions Consulting. Richard has been working in the tourism, heritage, visitor experience and environmental sectors for 25 years. He has experience of working on complex projects where he carries out research to identify...
David Howells BSc – Economic Development and Regeneration Associate
David is a professionally qualified and highly experienced individual working in the field of tourism, regeneration and economic development and organisational management. As an economic development consultant he has a Postgraduate Degree in Tourism Management from...
Duncan Bryden BSc, MSocSc, Rural Regeneration Associate
Duncan is a highly experienced and professionally qualified consultant working across the rural regeneration spectrum with specialisms in sustainable tourism, community consultation and development, heritage interpretation and access. His work involves analysis and...
Rebecca Morris-Buck, Museums, Heritage and Communities Associate
Rebecca has been working in the heritage and visitor attractions sectors for fifteen years, in a wide range of roles, with direct experience of front of house, education delivery and planning, operational management, funded projects, community engagement, volunteer...
Matthew Lewis, Visitor Attraction Retail Consultant
Matthew Lewis has worked in the Retail Sector for over 30 years in a wide range of roles including store management, loss prevention, commercial development, visual merchandising and procurement. Following a long and varied career in supermarket retail, for the past 3...
Operations Team – Planning Solutions Limited
Our sister company Planning Solutions Limited manages a number of visitor experiences and tourism businesses. They bring together an experienced team in: Site management Catering Marketing Education and lifelong learning Event management Retail Corporate hospitality...