Thanet Destination Events Development

Client: Thanet District Council
Destination events planning – The Thanet Coast has a strong heritage and natural coastal environment offer. The Destination Management Plan highlights the importance of local history in place-making and how this ‘shared- story’ can support and enhance the tourism strategy and destination offer. With support from the Coastal Communities Fund, Destination Thanet Coast is developing and expanding a range of heritage and coast focused events to increase the destination offer.

Working with Thanet District Council we carried out a project to help shape the future of the Thanet Coast Project, meeting its priority objective of delivering a programme of public events and activities based on Thanet’s unique coastal environment and heritage. Our work focussed on reviewing, developing and enhancing Destination Thanet’s Events. The project focussed specifically on the delivery of a programme of public events and activities aiming to reduce seasonality and promote longer stays in the area. This involved:

  • Options and recommendations to Thanet District Council on the most feasible, sustainable and practical way forward for increasing and improving understanding and engagement with the natural and historic environments by both visitors and local residents
  • Advised on outward-focused activities and events focused around the heritage and coast/natural environment together under a Thanet Coast ‘identity’
  • Reviewed potential ways to take delivery forward in a more sustainable way, with consideration of funding options – public and private/commercial
  • Identified the options and level of support required to help implement this delivery
  • Identified ways to strengthen awareness, engagement and educational work

How can we help?
If you have any questions about preparing a destination development plan or events strategy or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email