Events Strategy Consultancy – Destination Development

Client: Bridgend County Borough Council
Bridgend County has developed a reputation for designing and delivering a programme of innovative and ‘quirky’ events – a key feature of the destination’s brand. It is recognised that the programme of events supports the visitor economy and wider destination development. We were appointed by the County Borough Council to support the design and development of the Bridgend County Visitor Events Strategy and Investment Action Plan. This built on the current events programme and support infrastructure and set out a clear ambition and future direction for those events that attract, or have the potential to attract, visitors to the County.

Our work involved consulting a wide range of stakeholders, reviewing market trends in the tourism and events sectors to identify key market opportunities and reviewing site specific and area wide opportunities. We also generated and evaluated a long-list of project and capital investment opportunities building on the strengths and assets of Bridgend and the wider marketplace. In addition, our work included recommending a future delivery model, including a greater focus towards a commissioning model with the private sector to grow and manage event delivery.  We were subsequently commissioned to develop an events and festivals toolkit to support new and existing event organisers.  We had prepared the previous events strategy in 2006.

How can we help?
If you are developing an events or destination development strategy and would like to talk through your project, please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email