Working as tourism business planning consultants we assess concepts and ideas for new and existing businesses and we prepare detailed business plans, which are used to support funding applications. Our business plans include:- Market assessment Case examples Visitor...
Consultancy services
Visitor experience planning: Create a unique visitor experience masterplan
Working in multi-disciplinary teams we have developed a number of visitor experience masterplans and masterplans in relation to visitor attractions, heritage centres, castles, nature reserves and country park alongside wider coastal sites. We identify potential...
Operational reviews and planning: Develop and implement an end-to-end action plans, from marketing to engage with target audiences, through to all aspects of income generation and resource management
The hands-on operational management experience within our team sets us apart from other consultancies. Our sister companies manage three visitor attractions including two heritage experiences, a watersport activity offer with inland beach, along with three high rope...
Strategic development: Creating your strategy to respond to changing market trends and commercial realism
We have worked on a number of strategic development projects, which can be site or area specific. The strategies are based upon identifying the needs of the, client team, market (local communities and visitors) and matching these against development opportunities and...
Visitor research consultants
Visitor research consultants Visitor research, alongside stakeholder and community engagement, sits at the heart of the projects we work on. We understand how critical visitor research and community consultation is to the success of any organisation and project. If...
Governance models: Identifying the way forward
An important part of preparing business plans is to identify and assess the potential governance model to help take projects forward during both the delivery and operational phases. Governance model options include: In-house management Establishing a Trust or similar...
Destination Management Planning Consultancy Projects
We have worked with Destination Management Organisations and other clients to develop sustainable destination management plans, wider tourism development strategies and economic feasibility studies to support the development of coastal, rural and city-based tourist...
Tourism economic impact assessments and tourism economic modelling
Measuring the economic impact of investment and fundingTourism economic impact assessment consultant Working as tourism economic impact consultants, we carry out impact assessments, which often form an important consideration in terms of funding and planning...
Catering consultants: Are you seeking to develop a cafe or restaurant as part of your leisure business or would you like to increase the profit level generated?
For 25 years we have been providing a catering consultancy service to a range of clients. Our focus is on catering operations which are developed within visitor attractions and the wider hospitality sector, these include: Museums Heritage centres Country parks Castles...