Marketing consultancy

Caravan Park Marketing Action Plan, South West England

Caravan Park Marketing Action Plan, South West England

Client: Private landowner Our work focussed on preparing a marketing action plan, with ‘quick win’ opportunities to help promote the unique offer at the caravan park, with indicative costings and timescales. The caravan park marketing action plan will help the park to...

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Visitor attraction marketing action plan, CONKERS

Visitor attraction marketing action plan, CONKERS

Client: CONKERS Visitor attraction marketing action plan and implementation – for 15 years between 2005 and 2019 we designed and implemented the marketing activities at CONKERS.  CONKERS is a leading discovery and environmental visitor attraction located in the...

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The Novium – Museum Marketing Plan

The Novium – Museum Marketing Plan

Client: Chichester District Council The Novium is located in the historic city of Chichester. We were commissioned to carry out a review of the museum with a particular focus on reviewing the positioning of the museum, core marketing activities and key market...

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