Visitor attraction catering feasibility study

Heritage attraction catering feasibility studyClient: Shropshire Council
Ditherington Flax Mill Maltings located in Shrewsbury is a unique and internationally important site which has been awarded £12.8 million in Lottery funding. It contains seven listed buildings including the first cast-iron framed building considered to be the world’s first ‘skyscraper’.

As part of producing the business plan to support a successful Lottery funding application we carried out a visitor attraction catering feasibility study to identify the opportunity to introduce a cafe within the visitor experience. The cafe needed to service a range of different market segments including day visitors, corporate users, large and small-scale functions and members of the local community.

How can we help
If you would like to find out more about our catering projects please call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email Return to our our main catering consultancy page.