Client: Tourism South East and Havant Borough Council
Hayling Island is the home of windsurfing and this activity together with stand-up paddle-boarding, kayaking and kite-surfing continues to grow in popularity. As part of a wider seafront master planning project, PSC assessed the opportunity to introduce a watersports centre with linked accommodation. The proposals included introducing an ‘iconic’ Watersports Centre:
- A café
- Reception area
- Changing rooms with showers
- Storage facilities for kite and wind surfers (and others)
- Training area/meeting room (s) (potentially club room area)
- Retail unit
- The proposed accommodation module would have a separate reception and the 60 bedroom unit would add to the critical mass of the project
How can we help?
If you have any questions about our work in the activity sector please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 023 9248 1999 or email