Visitor centre feasibility study
Client: Shropshire Wildlife Trust
Restoring the Marches Mosses is a five-year project and it is a partnership between Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England and Natural Resources Wales. The multi-million pound project is supported by EU LIFE and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Project outcomes include: Restoration to actively growing lowland raised peatbog; mitigation of climate change impacts via natural flood management; improved awareness of the landscape and its intrinsic values, and; improved physical accessibility to a wider range of people.
There are a number of existing visitors to Marches Mosses and the Llangollen Canal passes by the site. The objectives were to: Test the concept of developing a visitor centre in a low cost, low risk way; increase visitor numbers by developing a focal point for the Marches Mosses; improve accessibility for all abilities; create a family-friendly ‘wild experience’ in a safe environment; create a gateway to the Mosses to interpret wildlife, geology, and history; protect fragile habitats from visitor impact by providing a less sensitive area, and; generate income through membership, events, catering and retail.
We worked with the Shropshire Wildlife Trust and carried out a feasibility study to test the market demand and the financial viability developing a visitor centre. The visitor centre feasibility study focused on: Carrying out a site assessment and producing a site SWOT; assessing market demand, which including reviewing the demographic profile, the tourism market place, passing boat movements on the Llangollen Canal and wider macro trends in respect of the nature marketplace; identifying core facilities to be included within the visitor centre, and; reviewing the financial considerations. This focussed on identifying potential visitor numbers, producing a trading profile showing income streams and cost centres, along with a risk assessment and setting out marketing initiatives. We also advised on operational models for the delivery and operation of the cafe.
How can we help?
If you have any questions about developing a new visitor centre or reviewing options for an existing visitor centre or are looking at income generation opportunities please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email