Gower Visitor Centre and Rural Hub Feasibility Study

Gower feasibility studyGower Visitor Centre and Rural Hub Feasibility Study

Client: City and County of Swansea
Although information is available at a number of visitor attractions and accommodation units, there is currently no dedicated visitor centre serving rural Swansea. It has been felt for some time that a focal centre in rural Swansea is needed, particularly to serve visitors to Gower and members of the local community (a dual purpose hub). PSC carried out a comprehensive feasibility study to consider the potential for dedicated visitor and community facility to support the tourism sector and wider rural economy. The opportunity for a visitor centre and rural hub to service the needs of visitors and local communities in rural Swansea was evaluated as part of a study to demonstrate evidence of need. The purpose of our study was to ascertain the needs of local businesses, residents and visitors to guide decisions relating to a proposed visitor centre / rural resource centre.

The study involved: An audit of existing visitor services and facilities and helped to identify gaps and opportunities; a survey of businesses in the study area to gauge needs, demand and the level of support for the project; a survey among visitors to the area; consultation with Members, Officers and the Rural Partnership; an analysis of existing visitor profiles; iIdentifying opportunities for growth and setting out the preferred type of facilities, which will help to generate income. The visitor centre / community hub feasibility study formed a key strand of the RDP’s Strategic Programme. Our study helped to confirm that any facility would be multi-functional and offer wider community benefit, through a form of ‘rural resource hub.’

How can we help?
If you have any questions about preparing a business plan or income generation strategy for a visitor attraction or visitor centre or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email richard@pslplan.co.uk