Sustainable Tourism -Local Development Framework, Manhood Peninsula

Sustainable tourism managementClient: Tourism South East
The Manhood Peninsular comprises the Witterings, the settlements of Selsey and Bracklesham and several small characteristic hamlets such as Church Norton and the area also incorporates Pagham Habour Nature Reserve. We evaluated the specific tourism development potential of the Manhood Peninsula, a coastal and rural peninsula in West Sussex.

The starting point was to identify the available tourism product – from visitor accommodation through to watersports activity providers along with the network of cycling and walking routes, transport infrastructure and supporting hospitality businesses. Our work included consultation with the fishing community, high street shops, landowners and holiday caravan parks and other key stakeholders. A critical element of the work reviewed access and tourism movements and specifically we identified opportunities to improve access to the sea and the better management of tourism flows. Opportunities for sustainable tourism development were also identified to respond to climate change and changing needs of the marketplace.  We related the core findings from the research and analysis to identifying to recommendations for the emerging Local Development Framework to ensure that tourism received a ‘fair hearing’ as part the strategic planning process and the principles of sustainable tourism development were incorporated.

How can we help?
If you would like to find out how we can help to develop your destination please don’t hesitate to contact Richard Linington 07866 742628