Nevis sustainable tourism and visitor management plan

Sustainable Tourism StrategyClient: Nevis Landscape Partnership

The Nevis Landscape Partnership is based in Glen Nevis and was formed in 2002 to enhance the environmental and cultural qualities of the Nevis area whilst providing opportunities for all to appreciate and enjoy.

Duncan Bryden, a leading rural development specialist, based in the Highlands was commissioned to carry out a programme of research to develop a fresh and innovative approach to managing sustainable tourism in Glen Nevis and the surrounding area. Working as sub-consultants, Planning Solutions Consulting provided supporting input to the project.

The work included assessing Glen Nevis to identify key challenges the area faces, a programme of consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, a review of the strategic context (local and national policies) and an assessment of pre and post COVID-19 market trends in the visitor economy. The research was drawn together and two action plans were produced to position Nevis as an exemplar of sustainable tourism development.

The first action plan focussed on short-term initiatives to aid recovery from COVID-19 and to ensure that Nevis could welcome back visitors and at the same time continue to offer an engaging visitor experience. The second action plan focussed on providing a road map of medium to long-term initiatives to support the ongoing development of Nevis as a sustainable tourism destination.

A critical element of the work helped to identify opportunities to generate income to support ongoing investment in the supporting visitor infrastructure.

The project was funded by NatureScot, Better Places Green Recovery Fund.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work within the sustainable tourism and destination development sectors please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email