We hope you find the links below interesting.
Historic England have announced 69 historic high streets across England will benefit from £96 million Government fund due to Historic England’s Heritage Action Zone.
The National Trust host their September Heritage Open Days Festival
Parks and country parks
South Downs National Park launches new ‘Forever fund’ to support National Park community projects.
Mobile UK and National Parks introduce new agreement which aims to enhance technology connectivity whilst protecting natural beauty of parks.
Stanley Park, Blackpool is voted the best in the UK.
Visitor attractions
National Museums publish article of Visit Britain statistics of visitor growth for British Museums
The DCMS released the provisional statistics on the number of visits to their sponsored museums and galleries for the latest quarter
Arts Council England released a report on collaborating to attract new visitors for creative places
Activity and Adventure tourism
New ‘offsetter’ program empowers frequent adventure tourists to contribute to climate change program.
Adventure Travel Trade Association have formed a partnership with Airbnb, encouraging sustainable tourism.
National Heritage Lottery Fund
The first large-scale LGBT+ project to be funded in Northern Ireland by the National Heritage Lottery Fund
The National Heritage Lottery Fund’s ‘Kick the Dust’ Program help’s bring young people into museum through the use of new technology
The Union Chain Bridge, the oldest operational suspension bridge in the world will be preserved due to funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport released data of attendance of cultural activities over the last year.
Visit England launches new stages of campaign to encourage young Brits to take holidays and short breaks at home.
Visit Britain Shop and Marketing Manchester have joined as distributors on Tourism Exchange GB for English suppliers to reach global distributors encouraging inbound tourism to Britain.
Project news
We have been working with Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council carrying out a soft market testing and consultation exercise for a new cinema operation at the Regent Cinema site in a prominent seafront location in Redcar