Museum Cafe Feasibility Study Novium, Chicester

Museum Cafe business planMuseum cafe feasibility study – Novium Museum

Client: Chichester District Council
Museum cafe feasibility study – the Novium is an innovative museum located in the heart of Chichester which opened in 2012. Following on from the market and operational review and production of the marketing action plan we were commissioned to assess the opportunity to introduce a catering offer within the Novium itself. The catering review included identifying potential gaps within the competitive landscape, defining the product and service offer and benchmarking two case examples. This work also explored different options, including location, service style and food offer.  We also produced a trading profile to assess the financial viability of the potential catering offer.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email