Kirkleatham Walled Garden business plan review, governance options appraisal and soft market testing

Business plan walled gardenClient: Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Kirkleatham Walled Garden is a £9.8m restoration project bringing the Grade II-listed historic Walled Garden back into use after 30 years. The restoration of Kirkleatham Walled Garden complements the wider Kirkleatham Estate, a leading heritage and cultural attraction in the North East region.

The restored Walled Garden includes a mix of large formal and produce gardens with fountains and ponds; a glasshouse and bothy workshops; a 90-cover restaurant, with additional external seating capacity and associated retail space; a large events marquee and pavilion which includes the main entrance to the formal gardens. Alongside this, two training academies have been developed and there is an opportunity for Kirkleatham Walled Garden to become a centre of excellence in training within horticulture and catering.

Planning Solutions Consulting was commissioned to work with the Council to:

  • Review the existing business plan
  • Consult with Officers and Members
  • Carry out a governance options appraisal to identify and evaluate future organisational and delivery structures
  • Develop and carry out a soft market testing exercise to identify potential market interest in operating the Walled Garden

Find out more about the project here.  Our work helped to secure a catering operator.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work in the heritage and museum sectors please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email