Ireland Tourism Consultants
Planning Solutions Consulting (PSC) is a specialist consultancy with extensive experience in developing new and enhancing existing tourism operations. We have been working for over 25 years across the tourism, heritage and recreation sectors from projects at castles and forts through to forests, nature reserves, country parks, outdoor activity centres, coastal regeneration schemes, watersports centres, museums, heritage centres, national parks and visitor attractions.
Our core services are focussed on carrying out market assessments, options appraisals and feasibility studies alongside preparing development strategies, visitor experience masterplans, destination management plans and business plans. Currently, a significant amount of our work is based on helping organisations develop or enhance income generation initiatives.
You can find out more about our projects here.
Whilst we are based in Hampshire, we have worked on tourism consultancy projects in the Republic of Ireland and we are keen to explore other opportunities. Projects include:
- Waterways Ireland: A recreation feasibility study linked to the restoration of the Ulster Canal at Clones
- Monaghan County Council: Prepared a Rural Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Destination Development Action Plan for an area of Sliabh Beagh
- Blarney Castle & Gardens: Worked with the Senior Management Team to carry out a module of primary visitor research and to advise on opportunities to enhance the visitor experience
- Roscommon County Council: Visitor Centre options appraisal and feasibility study
- Fáilte Ireland: Appointed to a Framework Agreement – Tourism Development Strategies for Outdoor Activity Products and Experiences
Added value – experience of managing tourism businesses
Through our sister company (Planning Solutions Limited), we have direct operational experience of managing and operating a range of tourism and leisure businesses. These include:
Visitor experiences
- CONKERS, a £19 million day visitor attraction in Leicestershire
- The National Brewery Centre formerly the Bass Museum in Staffordshire (20210 to October 2022)
- Kent Life Heritage Farm Park, a farm experience in Kent
Activity and adrenaline experiences
- The Cotswold Country Park and Beach, in the Cotswolds
- Vertigo Adventures, three branded high and low ropes adventures
Destination shopping centre
- Springfields Adventure Land in Spalding, Lincolnshire
Visitor accommodation
- The Royal Esplanade Hotel in Ryde, Isle of Wight
Planning Solutions Limited is responsible for all aspects of managing these businesses, from staffing through to marketing and day-to-day operations. This includes the catering, retail, events, education, weddings, corporate use, membership schemes, admissions, exhibits, collections (Kent Life and the NBC) and all other activities. We work closely with the operations team and help to develop their annual target operating plans
What does this team experience mean for clients we work with?
It means we have direct knowledge and hands-on operational experience in the visitor experience, attractions, heritage and tourist accommodation sectors. We have direct access to ‘live-time trading information’ as well as the expertise of our operations team. We have found that this practical hands-on operational experience helps to create a significant positive impact when working with other customer focussed ‘businesses’ and brings a strong commercial realism to projects. We understand the challenges faced by operators, tourism and leisure businesses and how to develop projects which are commercially viable, meet the needs of the visitor and community and respond to other needs such as education, learning and placemaking. With COVID-19 we have the direct experience of successfully managing the centres through this period and planning the re-opening.
“PSCL carried out a contract for Waterways Ireland to look at the market potential and sustainable options to restore and develop a waterside site in Clones. I found PSCL to be very competent on this project. Their execution, tone and commitment were faultless. Their team drew together all requisite disciplines. They had particular experience in waterside development projects which provided great insights for our study. They handled consultation effectively despite COVID travel restrictions. They were responsive, and they delivered professionally, to an excellent standard, and within timeframe and to budget.” Norma Forrest, Marketing & Communications, Waterways Ireland
“Planning Solutions Consulting was appointed to develop a tourism action plan for a rural location in north county Monaghan. Despite the challenges posed by Covid 19 restrictions and the impact this had on site visits, consultations etc, David and Richard were unflappable and professional throughout. The final report was delivered on time and contained both a strategic vision and a list of deliverable actions which we look forward to progressing. I would most certainly recommend PSC for similar type projects.” Dympna Condra, Tourism & Economic Development Officer, Monaghan County Council
How can we help?
If you have any questions about our work or would like to discuss a potential project, please don’t hesitate to contact Richard Linington ( or 00 44 (0)7866 742628).