Indoor play business plan

Indoor play business planWorking with the operations team at CONKERS we helped to prepare the business plan to assess the viability of introducing a major indoor play area at the visitor attraction. The indoor play business plan was used to unlock funding to deliver the project.   The indoor play offer helps to:

  • Build wet weather resilience
  • Encourages repeat visits
  • Increases dwelltime
  • Engages with new audiences

As part of the work the project team worked with the designers to develop a bespoke indoor play offer. The indoor play has added positively to the visitor experience and is well used by visitors, particularly during the quieter winter months. 

How can we help?
If you have any questions about preparing a business plan or income generation strategy for a visitor attraction or visitor centre or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email
