Heritage Visitor Centre Feasibility Study

Heritage Visitor Centre Feasibility StudyHeritage Visitor Centre Feasibility Study

Client: Kent Thameside
Working alongside landscape architects and archaeologists we were commissioned to carry out a feasibility study for a heritage visitor centre based on on the links to the Roman and Anglo Saxon heritage of the wider area.

The heritage visitor centre feasibility study assessed the potential to develop a visitor centre based upon the history and archaeological heritage of the area. The objectives included identifying ways to engage with the local community, improving access to the rich heritage of the local area and inspiring visitors.

Different development options were identified and evaluated.  Our background work included a site assessment, market review (demographic trends, the tourism marketplace and wider visitor attractions sector) and consultation with a range of key stakeholders alongside a review of case examples and an analysis of key risks.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email richard@pslplan.co.uk