Heritage Funding Project, The Charleston Trust Centenary Project, nr Firle

Client: Charleston Trust
Charleston is located near Lewes and is a site of international cultural significance and a nationally important heritage site as the home to the Bloomsbury group.  Former residents included Vanessa Bell and John Maynard Keynes, visitors included T.S Eliot, E.M Forster and Virginia Woolf. The offer consists of the house, gardens and gallery.  The Trust’s portfolio of literary activities from exhibitions and a major festival attracts thousands of visitors each year.

PSC worked with the Trust to prepare the funding application and our work helped to secure £400,000 of funding from the Coast to Capital programme.

The funding will be used to help fund the Charleston’s Centenary Project to restore historic barns to provide an auditorium for talks, workshops, festivals and events. A new café/restaurant will serve visitors to Charleston. The Centenary Project will also include five new galleries and a new retail space which will improve the visitor experience.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email richard@pslplan.co.uk