Heritage business planning consultants – Pleasley Pit Mining Museum, Derbyshire

heritage business plan consultantHeritage business planning consultants – Pleasley Pit Mining Museum, Derbyshire

Client: Emda
Working as heritage business planning consultants in a multi-disciplinary team, PSCL was originally commissioned to carry out a feasibility study to support the regeneration of Pleasley Colliery, a Schedule Ancient Monument. We were subsequently commissioned to prepare the supporting business plan and wider heritage masterplan, with landscape architects, for the site. We also identified and evaluated future management and governance options to ensure that the project could be delivered alongside producing a draft Audience Development Plan for this important heritage resource (which has received the English Heritage Angel award).

The purpose of our study was to formulate a masterplan and development strategy and test the financial viability of restoring this disused colliery in a sympathetic manner to realise the ambitions of the Friends Group, the local community and visitors. The development strategy identified approaches to improving access, introducing interpretation and revenue generating opportunities. We also advised on marketing and funding opportunities. Find out more about Pleasley Pit Mining Museum here.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email richard@pslplan.co.uk