Feasibility Study for a Visitor Centre Wigan Flashes Local Nature Reserve, Wigan

business planning wigan flashesFeasibility study for a visitor centre

Client: Wigan Borough Council
Working with Wigan Borough Council and Partners, we were commissioned to carry out a feasibility study for a new visitor centre at Wigan Flashes a 260-hectare Local Nature Reserve. The Flashes are one of the most important urban wetland sites in England in terms of biodiversity there are two Sites of Special Scientific Interest and seven sites of Biological Importance within the study area. The Leeds-Liverpool Canal flows through part of the site. Objectives included increasing access to the Flashes and introducing a gateway facility to the Greenheart Regional Park and identifying revenue generating opportunities.

Our work focused on carrying out an assessment to test the viability of introducing a visitor centre within Wigan Flash.  Our work included a site review, market assessment, engagement with stakeholders, concept development and an options assessment and forecasting visitor numbers and producing a financial model.

How can we help?
If you have any questions about developing a new visitor centre or reviewing options for an existing visitor centre or are looking at income generation opportunities at your nature reserve please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email richard@pslplan.co.uk