Feasibility study for a cafe at Rushcliffe Country Park

Country park cafe business plan consultant
Cafe feasibility study

Client: Rushcliffe Borough Council
Rushcliffe Country Park is a popular and established country park to the south of Nottingham. Our work focussed on carrying out a feasibility study to assess the opportunity to extend the existing visitor centre to accommodate an exemplar eco-cafe.

Our work included: analysing the market and competitive landscape; consultation with officers and The Friends Group; carrying out a module of primary research which generated more than 1,000 responses to an online survey; identifying sources of capital investment funding; liaising with design team on existing design proposals; advising on the optimum size of café/kitchen, menu development and service delivery; recommending an operating model for the cafe, setting out the pros and cons associated with each operating model and preparing a trading profile and staffing model for the preferred development scenario.

How can we help?
If you have any questions about preparing a business plan or masterplan to support the development of your country park or recreation site or would like to discuss our work please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email richard@pslplan.co.uk