Climbing wall feasibility study

Climbing Wall Feasibility studyClient: Hampshire County Council PSC worked with the senior management team at Calshot Activities Centre, one of the south coast’s leading multi-use activity centres. Our work focussed on identifying and assessing product development opportunities for the internal space, with a key focus on climbing based activities, to engage with new markets and increase pay as you go income being generated.

The starting point was to understand the current position in terms of user numbers and the financial performance of the centre. Engagement with staff along with identifying key trends in the activity sector and wider competitive landscape formed a core element of our work. The research led to the production of a longlist of potential climbing and other uses which were evaluated using a scoring matrix. The scoring matrix used a range of criteria including but not limited to:

  • Physical fit and synergy with existing uses
  • Indicative capital investment required
  • Meeting an identified “gap” or market opportunity
  • Customer driven – meeting the needs of stakeholders, visitors, education and other groups
  • Potential to increase visitors / market appeal (particularly during the winter months)
  • Revenue generation / commercial viability and long-term financial sustainability
  • Achieving certain outcomes

Quick wins in terms of marketing opportunities were also identified as part of our work. The work helped to secure funding and led to the introduction of new ‘products’ including an Aero Trek offer and a new climbing experience with 12 auto belays. 

How can we help?
If you have any questions about our work in the activity sector please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email