Destination Investment Plan

Client: Cardiff Capital Region
In partnership with Peter Cole from Cole and Shaw cyf, Planning Solutions Consulting, worked with the South-East Wales Destination Management Group (DMG) to prepare a Destination Investment Plan (DIP) for the region, specifically to:

  • Prepare an inclusive Destination Investment Plan (DIP) which prioritises key regionally significant infrastructure developments relating to tourism.
  • Make suggestions in terms of an ideal collaborative approach for the region to assist the DMG in achieving its objectives.
  • Consider which projects / developments can positively contribute towards increasing the number of jobs, people’s capacities in terms of training and overall GVA.
  • Explore opportunities for stakeholder engagement and strategic links with HE/FE organisations to evolve the appreciation of the tourism industry and address key skills shortages.
  • Link the work of the DMG to national strategies (Partnership for Growth, Growth and Competitiveness Report etc.) to solidify the need for the DMG and its regional priorities.
  • Identify alternative sources of funding which the DMG may not be aware of which can support destination development projects

The focus of the work was to present a better understanding of priorities, projects and programmes for South East Wales, which will grow the visitor economy over the next 5-10 years.

How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss our work within the destination development sector please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email