Client: Hampshire County Council
Country parking car parking options apprasial: PSC was commissioned by Hampshire County Council client to carry out a car parking options appraisal across their portfolio of country parks. Our specific advice focussed on options for improving the car parking customer experience along with income generation. It is important to recognise that the car parking experience is one of the first elements of the visitors’ journey at country parks. This work considered: Setting our tariff options linked to dwelltime; introducing signage and also orientation maps to help visitors navigate their way around the wider country park, in particular highlighting key features and routes; key messaging at the payment points; advising on the different types of payment methods from a pay and display machine through to ANPR systems (setting out the pros and cons associated with each option); setting out approaches to reducing any leakages experienced; producing a financial model to support the investment programme to identify the level of income generated and associated costs; and preparing a risk assessment.
Find out more about the car parking consultancy services we offer at recreation and visitor sites here.
How can we help?
If you are looking at different options for the car parks you manage please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email