Coastal masterplan commercial opportunities

Specialist Market Analysis for Area Masterplan in the ‘heart’ of Cleethorpes.

Planning Solutions Consulting Limited were commissioned to work alongside Cushman Wakefield to provide a specialist tourism and leisure market appraisal to support the Resort North Masterplan on behalf of North East Lincolnshire (and Engie). Building on the high level proposals for the area set out in the adopted Grimsby and Cleethorpes Town Centres Investment Plan 2016, PSCL were asked to assess specific use options for areas known as ‘Station Quarter’, ‘North Promenade’ and ‘Resort Arrival.’ Our role was to undertake a robust assessment of the cultural and leisure opportunities and to relate this to the short, medium and long-term development potential of the study area, where appropriate engaging with key public/private sector stakeholders. Part of our work centred on all-weather / family / resort-based leisure activities to drive footfall and enhance Cleethorpes as a destination. A critical early output of the study was to assess the options which would qualify for investment of a £1m Local Growth Fund grant from the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership in the focus area. The overall study sought to take into account the wider development potential of the focus area and the regeneration impact/value for money of the options considered.

Our work included: Research and analysis of demographic data to consider the potential level of use for the local residential market; analysis of tourism and day visitor research to understand the underlying strengths and weaknesses of the visitor economy serving Cleethorpes (and beyond); assessing the viability of the key development sites within the area focused on the identification of potential market opportunities; an analysis of the competitive landscape – lead leisure and tourism providers in the region; a market analysis to present latest trends and activity in the leisure and tourism sectors in the UK with a focus on the key markets which are most relevant for the scale and profile of Cleethorpes, and; an evaluation of the preferred option to define the lead benefits and viability of the project

How can we help?
If have any questions about developing a masterplan for a coastal area please don’t hesitate to call Richard Linington on 07866 742628 or email